Business Parks

Zonas Industriais

Business Parks

The Vale do Tejo Business Parks are presented as dynamic spaces of high urban quality, intended to allocate companies in the various sectors of activity (industry, logistics, commerce and services). The Rio Maior Business Park was the first ALE (Business Location Area) in the country and to this infrastructure were added three more Business Parks in the Region (Torres Novas, Ourém/Fátima and Cartaxo).

  • Municipilities
  • Companies
  • Population

The existence of physical infrastructures for hosting or supporting business activities (especially in the field of Research, Development and Innovation) within a more specialized sector vocation, denotes a performance supported by strategic criteria that seek to leverage those that are the sectors with the greatest growth potential in the Region.

Licensing is immediate in such spaces because it is responsibility of the Management Company; construction rates are much higher than normal; the price is competitive in relation to Lisbon metropolitan area; accessibility is excellent and buyers benefit from exemption from IMI (Property Tax) and IMT (Municipal Property Transfer Tax) and from financial incentives from PORTUGAL2020. Business Parks that are currently being commercialized are located in:

  • Cartaxo – next to the junction of A1 highway and facing the highway for 1km;
  • Rio Maior – next to A15 highway junction;
  • Torres Novas – next to A23 highway junction.


  • Immediate licensing for companies to be installed;
  • Competitive price when compared to the metropolitan area of Lisbon;
  • Excellent accessibility;
  • Infrastructure / Equipment (e.g. EPTAR, natural gas);
  • Urban quality of the Parks;
  • Privileged and priority areas for the location of foreign investment;
  • Patrimonial valuation of the land acquired, as they are inserted in and ALE;



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